14 April, 2015

RSA Flag

South  African Flag
oil on paperboard, 80x108cm

sowing the seeds of corruption
Watercolour, gouache ink on Hahnemuehle

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12 April, 2015

Traffic, Petrodollar ,Death on Toll Road N1 , 2015

 Petrodollar Portrait 

acryl on board, 03. 2015

turn around strategists redirecting black gold
into the sanctions of traffic and  flow  or no-go
 @ 1.00$ or .50 cents/l.  (weather permitting)

."..give us our daily oil, oh Lord and Sheik"

a global  circus with no yield or stop
the signs keep moving ,the frontline dances two-step a dime
forward and backward, uptown downtown,right wing
 left wing, in and out and roundabout

  black gold with a shot of  blood for Cold Wars and Hot  Wars,
--'roll out the barrels
roll out the barrels of guns.

U-Turn on Death Toll Road N1 

- its your turn too.
   Minister in the Presidency C. Chabane  and 2  bodyguards 
killed  in a collision on the N1 caused by a drunken driver
 attempting  an illegal turn around strategy for his illicit truck
                                                                         under cover of night
. 17. 03. 2015

wer rast so schnell
durch Nachtschwarz wie blind
es sind zwei Leibwachen und ihr Prinz......

von 200 Pferdestaerken gebruell das Ettappenziel eiliger naht und 
200 Stundenkilometer frueher am Ziel morgen als hier um Mitternacht:
das Bummheil ist  dada . ob Unfall, ob Schicksal 

in diesem Fall mit grossem trara und  Krawall . Im nirgendwo, da oder da,
ungeplant und unvorschriftsmaessig , -(es war Nacht) -
und blind trifft die Buschjustiz  ein Zufalls -Ziel

der Missbrauch regelwidriger Privilegien  -
beendet , da 
-da regelwidrig der beidseitige  Missbrauch der Regeln die Regel war-, dasein.


Unter Ausschluss der Oeffentlichkeit
kracht Blech da auf Stahl, 
zerfleischen Schreie aus Fleisch den Koerper ,
 wird Metall kopflos 
und rollen Reifen fassungslos ins Grab. 
bei Polokwane.

traffic jam for brunch

one for the road


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Oom Koffie en Tant Koekie by Kakaenka, 2015

Oom Koffie en Tannie Koekie  by Kakaenka, 2015

opgedra met Gelukwense aan die Feeskommittee , borge  en deelnemers aan die jaarlikse 
Klein Karroo Kuns- Kultuur- Koffie -Koek- Konsumente en  Kunstenaar Kleur -Konsolidasie-Keurings-en-Konstruksie -Kommittee  vir Kommunikatiewe Korrupsie van kultiverende -Kernbelange, Klugte, kak  en K-woord Klagtes

(geen K-woord is in hierdie teks gebruik of mishandel nie. Dank ook aan aan Steve Hofmeyer en  Sunette Bridges, KKK en ABSA- nie vir die klankbaan nie,  maar wel vir die storie)

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Jan van Bok

Jan van Bok
oil on board, 2015

Jan van Bok, sailor and market gardener of 1652 at the Cape of Good Hope. A man, who according to the ruling herdsman of  the Animal Farm in 2015 , planted the roots of destruction and sowed the seed of discontent in Southern Africa in 2015 to spoil the ANC 103rd  birthday-bash in Cape Town.

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The Little Drumstick boy, 2013-15

The little Drumstick boy
oil on board  2013- 15 

"He feels no disgust at his faeces, values them as a portion of his own body with which he will not readily part, and makes use of them as his first ‘gift,’ to distinguish people whom he values highly… he carries on his high valuation of faeces in his estimate of ‘gifts’ and ‘money.’. .  there are many people who retain a voluptuous feeling in defaecating all through their lives….From the very first, children are one in thinking that babies must be born through the bowel; they must make their appearance like lumps of faeces--"
Sigmund Freud, Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis (1)

The triumh of shit: http://www.artnet.com/magazineus/features/kuspit/kuspit9-11-08.asp

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